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Native Plant Nursery


In keeping with our commitment to supporting a highly functional and stable ecosystem, our plant nursery is focused on perpetuating the genetics of native northern New England plants. The seeds and cuttings we propagate from are all sourced from the Upper Valley region. We believe these plants play an important role in contributing to a broad genetic base that is critical to whole ecosystem stability.


Browse our catalog to find plants for pollinators, songbirds and other wildlife, for soil health and stabilization, and to add interest and beauty to your landscape.



We will be opening for plant sales by appointment on April 25, 2025


       Current Inventory for Spring 2025

Achillea millefolium, yarrow                                        30

Aralia hispida, bristly sarsaparilla                                  4

Coptis trifolia, goldthread                                           16

Eupatorium perfoliatum, boneset                                  36

Eutrochium maculatum, spotted Joe Pye                         35

Gaultheria procumbens, wintergreen                              2

Iris versicolor, Northern blue flag                                 12

Prunella vulgaris lanceolata, heal all                              8

Sambucus canadensis, American elderberry                  12

Solidago flexicaulis, zigzag goldenrod                         18

​Spirea latifolia, white meadowsweet                            15

Vebena hastata, blue vervain                                      64

Vitis labrusca, fox grape                                            10

                       Riparian buffers for water quality

Spotted Joe Pye weed in the foreground, and American elderberry blooming along a brook.

Meadowsweet, golden alexander, and ostrich fern buffer this section.

           PLANT CATALOG

Aralia hispida - 

A member of the ginseng family for sites in full sun, bristly sarsaparilla is hardy and drought tolerant once established. It is adapted to dry sandy or gravelly soils. Host plant for many species of bees and beetles. 

Height - 6" to 30"

Foliage - dark green, bipinnately compound

Bloom - July.  small white flowers in 1 1/4 inch spherical umbels

Arisaema triphyllum - 

For a shady spot with rich, moist soil under deciduous trees, jack-in-the pulpit adds interest with its fleshy, club shaped spadix surrounded by a maroon striped spathe. In the late summer to fall the crimson berries bring bright color to the landscape and are a food source for thrushes, turkeys and other birds. This member of the arum family is a long-lived perennial which will colonize over time. Our plants are two years old this year; they will come back bigger each year and flower at 3 to 5 years of age.

Height - Up to 2 feet

Foliage - medium, 3 parted leaves

Eupatorium perfoliatum - 

A plant of the wet meadows and brooksides, boneset requires consistent moisture. A great choice for rain gardens, it is a host for butterflies and bees. Full to partial sun, wet to moderate soils.

Height - to 4 feet

Foliage - distinctive, adds interest. bases of the opposite, lance shaped leaves are fused around the stem, giving the impression that they are pierced by the stem

Bloom - mid to late summer. dense flat topped clusters of tiny white flowers

Euthamia graminifolia-

Found in meadows and fields, and known as grass leaved or lance leaved goldenrod, this species is not considered to be a true goldenrod. Besides nectar for bees, butterflies and beetles, it provides seed for songbirds, and browse for rabbits and deer. Spreading by rhizomes to form colonies, this plant is suited for larger areas. Full sun and moist but well drained soils. Tolerates droughty conditions once esteblished. Wildlife gardens and erosion control.

Height - 3 to 4 feet, width 1 to 2 feet

Foliage - simple, narrow, medium green

Bloom - mid summer to fall. bright yellow, flat topped clusters

Eutrochium maculatum -

Tall and striking with its whorled leaves and tuft of magenta flowers. spotted Joe Pye weed is a hardy plant for full sun to part shade in fertile, medium to wet soils with consistent moisture. Borders, rain gardens, wildlife gardens and wet meadows. Host plant for skippers, swallowtail and monarch butterflies, and native bees, and a seed source for birds.

Height - 6 to 8 feet

Foliage - large, medium green, lanceolate, in whorls

Bloom - late summer, magenta

Gaultheria procumbens - - 

Commonly known as checkerberry, teaberry,or wintergreen is an aromatic evergreen groundcover with leathery, dark green leaves. Flowers mature to scarlet berries. Spreads by underground stems to form colonies. High organic matter, acid soils, sun or shade, medium soil moisture.

Height - 3 to 6 inches

Foliage - glossy, dark green, oval,up to 2" long

Bloom -  summer. waxy, white, bellshaped; matures to form scarlet berries

Iris Versicolor - 

Northern Blue Flag Iris is one of the showier natives we offer. Found in marshes, it can grow in up to 4 inches of standing water, but will thrive in garden beds as well, if provded with rich, high humus soil and consistent water. While resistant to deer, its foliage is fodder for the caterpillars of many species of moths and butterflies, and the flowers provide landing strips to direct bees to the center for pollen. Sun to part shade, medium to wet soils, rain gardens, seasonally flooded areas.

Height - 24 to 30 inches

Foliage - flat, blue green, sword shaped

Bloom - summer. deep blue to violet, up to 4 inch diameter

Mitchella repens -

Partridgeberry.** Sold out. Will be available again late summer** An attactive creeping evergreen groundcover of the woods with delicate vinelike stems and small, rounded, white veined leaves. Red berries. Humus rich, acidic, moist but well drained soils in partial shade or shade.

Height - up to 4 inches

Foliage - oval, opposite, paired, glossy dark green, 3/4" long

Bloom - 1/2" waxy white, paired at stem


Pinus strobus - 

Every plant has a story, but eastern white pine has stories enough to fill the shelves of a respectable library. From restorative teas to build strength in the frail to tall ships that would build an empire; from a cradle to rock a baby to stoking a revolution that rocked the world, this tree has done it all. High value for wildlife; white pine is a source of food and shelter for far too many birds and mammals to list. Start your own EWP story with our seedlings.

Height - up to 100 feet

Foliage - light to medium green 4 inch long needles, bundles of 5

Sambucus canadensis -

American elderberry - well doumented medicinal history, and used to make jelly or wine. High value for wildlife too, providing food and cover for birds, mammals and butterflies.

Height - to 12 feet

Bloom - flat topped white clusters, id June to July

Zig zag goldenrod is a smaller goldenrod, one for shady areas and drier soils. An important late season pollen source for bees and wasps, it also supports many moths and butterflies. Shawn Jalbert of Alfred, Maine  (Native Haunts Maine Native Plant AdvocateConsulting & Education) says "The zig zag goldenrods I got from you last fall were bee magnets! I had never seen a goldenrod that was so attractive to bumblebees. They would spend the night curled up on the plants, sometimes 10-12 at a time. Once they got warmed up enough, they would start foraging again the next day."

Height - 2 feet

Foliage - oval to heartshaped, serrated bloom - late summer to frost


Solidago flexicaulis -

Meadowsweet is a woody shrub, an excellent pollinator plant also attractive to songbirds. A generalist, meadowsweet will grow in sandy woods or swampy meadows. It will tolerate soil compaction and tough urban environments. Erosion control,rain gardens, low hedges; naturalized areas. Full sun to part shade, moist to medium soils

Height - 2 to 5 feet

Foliage - medium green ovate serrated leaves up tp 3" long

Bloom - June to September. Small white to pinkish tinged in pyramidal spires

Spirea alba latifolia -
Verbena Hastata -

Blue vervain - a tall, handsome plant featuring candelabras of blue violet flower spikes. A favorite of bumblebees, and also a host for butterflies, moths, sweat bees, and cuckoo bees. A seed source for juncos, sparrows, cardinals, and other songbirds.

Height - to 6 feet

Foliage - lanceolate, toothed

Bloom - summer

Zizia aurea -

** Sold out for 2024** Blooming in the spring, golden alexander provides early pollen, and is a host for black swallowtail butterflies, as well as hover flies, bumblebees, and beetles. Not long lived as perennials go, but reseeds readily.

Height - 1 to 3 feet, width 1 to 3 feet

Foliage - attractive, dark green three parted leaves

Bloom - spring. bright yellow flat topped 2" clusters


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